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Webinar On Conformance of Design History Files for Mature Medical Devices

  August 07, 2015  

Compliance Trainings, Online

Description :

This webinar on Design History Files (DHF) will provide a step-by-step procedure for all medical device companies that are in need of bring their product design history files up to date with the current standards.

Many medical industry companies have not brought their old product lines up to current FDA standards and are not in total compliance. This webinar defines the procedures to be followed for medical products design history file remediation.

For example, companies should be compliant to ISO 13485, ISO 14971, etc. Design History Files and validations need to be updated to meet current standards. The FDA expects continuous improvement and risk management to be integrated into the company quality system. Old medical devices need to have a risk assessment for each product and updated validations for product and processes. Each device needs to have a gap analysis to determine obsolescence or re-validate. It should also describe the risk acceptance criteria as well as roles and responsibilities of each member on the team.

In this webinar, we will discuss practical steps you can follow to bring your product design history files up to current standards.

Areas Covered in the Session :

Multi-functional team approach/responsibility.

Set procedures and template to complete remediation for design history file of old devices to meet current standards.

Gap analysis

Data gathering to build the design history files

Risk procedure

Risk assessment for prioritizing remediation


Dealing with the FDA

Phase by phase check list.

Who Will Benefit:

This webinar will provide valuable assistance and give a procedure to all regulated companies that need to bring their product design history files up to date with current standards. The employees who will benefit include:

Senior management

End-users responsible for design control and technical files that need to be updated to the current standards

R&D and product development

Process engineers and managers

Operations and plant management

Validation engineers

Remediation teams

Documentation teams

QA, Regulatory Affairs

QC and Corporate Auditors

All team members who contribute to design history, clinical, validations or technical files



All Contract Manufacturers working in the medical industry

Organized by: Compliance Trainings
Invited Speakers:

Robert Braido has 40 years of experience in the medical industry. He is president of Visionary Consulting LLC and has been consulting with medical OEM’s and CMOs for over 7 years. Mr. Braido’s has a broad breadth of medical industry experience in prototype/product development, global strategic/tactical planning, technical due-diligence/gap analysis for acquisitions, engineering, operations and business development. He has had great success working at Ethicon Endo-Surgery a J&J Company, Baxter Healthcare, Teleflex Medical, GW Plastics and The Tech Group with increasing responsibilities to the level of VP of Advanced Technologies. He was a member of the Board of Directors for the Society of Plastic Engineers Medical Division for over 10 years and elected Chairman of the Medical Division twice.

Deadline for Abstracts: 2015-09-15

For more information about this event please visit



E-mail: suzzane.d@compliancetrainings.com
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