Compliance Trainings, Online
Description : New updates under OSHA are in place. What are your risk factors? Do you have an up to date exposure control plan? Understand the risks of blood borne pathogens (BBP)? How to conduct a self-assessment for risks? This webinar will be addressing OSHA and the medical practice. It will address risk factors in terms of an OSHA audit, blood borne pathogens, and HAZCOM, universal precautions, etc. Areas Covered in the Session : Risk factors Blood Borne Pathogens HAZCOM Universal Precautions Personal Protective Equipment Any other area pertaining to medical Who Will Benefit: Practice managers MD’s and other medical professionals EMT’s Private practice Hospitals Ambulatory Any other entities dealing with blood or other potentially infectious materials For more information and enquiries contact us at Compliance Trainings 5939 Candlebrook Ct, Mississauga, ON L5V 2V5, Canada Customer Support : #416-915-4458 Email :