Executive Airport Plaza, 7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC V6X 1A3, Canada
Engineering, Geologists, and Geophysicists graduates and other first time applicants are required to successfully complete an examination on the topics of professional practice, ethics and law.
Also offered in a three day format with additional material covered.
Description: As a prerequisite for registration with APEGA and APEGBC; Engineering, Geologists, and Geophysicists graduates and other first time applicants are required to successfully complete an examination on the topics of professional practice, ethics and law to be able to practice their profession in Canada.
Special Features: At the end of the two day workshop, you will write a mock exam and get it marked before you go home with your results in hand. It is required to read/review these texts before attending the course for maximum benefit.
Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, 2nd Canadian Edition by Brian M. Samuels and Doug R. Sanders. Canadian Professional Engineer and Geoscience Practice and Ethics, 4th Edition by Gordon C. Andrews .
Day 1: Professional Engineering Practice and Ethics. Day 2: Law for Professional Engineers, Geoscientist.
Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Artists / Speakers: Dr. Mohamed Elbarkouky, PMP, P.Eng.
Price: In-Class: CAD 495.