Jury's Inn, 245 Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2HQ, United Kingdom
A course to help Music Teachers make sense of the latest 2014/15 Observation Criteria and ensure that their own music teaching and observation judgments are in tune with Ofsted’s expectations.
Changes to the way schools are inspected has further "raised the bar" of what is outstanding, and focuses upon the quality of teaching, learning and pupils' behaviour.
Ofsted are looking for evidence that planned learning intentions are genuinely musical and that Musical sound should be the ‘target’ language of the music classroom.
This course is suitable for Music Subject Leaders involved with classroom observation and professional development. Indeed all Music teaching staff will find it helpful to understand what Ofsted are looking for in an ‘outstanding music lesson’ and what a teacher now needs to demonstrate to achieve this.
Delegates will have the opportunity to observe a range of filmed lessons and discuss and evaluate their content.
Essential information for schools not inspected for the past two years and those outstanding schools (graded 2 for teaching) prior to Jan 2012.
Content will include:
Observation priorities. The latest 2014/15 evaluation schedule. Current Music criteria and subject specific detail. The Sept 2014 National Curriculum for Music. Learning and teaching. Teacher Standards. Judging lessons. Making evaluative statements. Assessment. Outcomes from lesson observation. Implications of behaviour. Feedback to enable staff development and improvement. Compelling learning experiences. Models of cross curricular design. Identifying deep learning experiences. Musical stimulus / listening. Ofsted subject specific criteria. Additional resources.
Book online at www.cseducationservices.co.uk
Price per person including quality course materials, lunch and online support material.
Jan 16th 2015 LONDON South Kensington. Apr 22nd 2015 EXETER. Event Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Price:
Per Delegate: £275.