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ADME PK/TK and Drug Metabolism in Drug Discovery and Development

  August 19, 2013  
Mondial Research Group, Boston, Massachussets
20th-21st March 2014

The course will describe scientific concepts and practice of ADME and

toxicology studies in drug development, including preclinical in vitro

and in vivo studies, clinical studies, IND and NDA submissions, and

analytical chemistry.

The content of this course will assist pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and CRO researchers and managers in understanding the requirements for a well designed and successful drug development program, conducted in accordance with current best practices and in compliance with regulatory guidelines.


Various disciplines including safety, toxicology, in vitro / in vivo metabolism,

drug delivery, bioanalysis, animal and human pharmacokinetics,

protein binding, mass balance, tissue distribution, metabolite isolation

and identification, and toxicokinetic support, will be discussed. Study

designs and possible interpretations of results and representative case

studies will be presented. The generation of study protocols, study

reports and data summaries for the purpose of submission to

regulato ry authorities will be delineated.


This course is specifically designed for personnel in the pharmaceutical

and biotechnology industries and contract research organizations

(CROs) who need to understand the state of the art for the evaluation ADME tox drug properties: Absorption, distribution, drug metabolism

(DM), elimination, pharmacokinetics/toxicokinetics (PK/TK) and

toxicology during the discovery, lead-optimization, IND and NDA

-enabling drug development processes.


Participants should have some know ledge of these processes and

desire to learn more about how ADME, bioanalysis, PK/TK, and DM

studies are designed, conducted, and interpreted in order to

characterize the fate of a drug candidate. Nonclinical and clinical

scientists, project managers, and study team leaders at pharmaceutical companies and related industries will gain a detailed

understanding of the types of safety/toxicology, ADME, bioanalysis,

PK/TK, and DM research studies required to support submissions to regulatory authorities


Organized by: Mondial Research Group
Invited Speakers:

Please visit link for details :


Deadline for Abstracts: Jan 2014

Please contact:


For Inquiries and Registration


E-mail: cristinah@mondialresearchgroup.com
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