ComplianceOnline, Online Event
Why Should You Attend : Allergen and mislabeling are one of the leading causes of Class 1 FDA Recalls. At a rate of 2 recalls per week, manufacturers bear the cost of the loss in sales as well as the loss of regulatory and consumer confidence. The FDA maintains a vigorous sampling of labels and products for undeclared allergens to protect sensitive consumers. It is critical that manufacturers take their responsibility very seriously as the effects on the consumer can be deadly.
This webinar will cover best practices that prevent cross contamination and inadvertent inclusion of allergens in food products where they are not intended to be. Those involved in the food safety and handling programs within the manufacturing process must be aware of their role and prepared to execute these practices. Each department has an important part to be played in the control of allergens and identity preservation. Areas Covered in the Webinar : - NLEA legislative background and requirements.
- The common allergens, their derivatives and sources.
- Alternatives to allergens in product formulation.
- GFSI compliant best practices and associated prerequisite programs.
- Ingredient and packaging receiving inspections.
- Operational tool handling, cleaning and separation.
- Ingredient storage and tracking.
- Equipment cleaning.
- Production scheduling.
- Testing methods.
- Labeling concerns.