ComplianceOnline, Online Event
Why Should You Attend: - How does a hospital/provider proactively prepare for a CMS audit?
- How does a hospital effectively communicate the treatment was medically necessary and reasonable, and the services were provided in an appropriate setting?
- What authorities support Medicare Part B reimbursements after the denial of an impatient claim?
- How does a hospital effectuate Part B reimbursement?
- Could you successfully appeal a CMS finding?
If you are uncertain about the status of your compliance programs in relation to these questions then you must attend this webinar. The success of any health care institution cruxes on the ability to understand the “ABCs” of CMS audits -RACs, MACs, MICs and ZPICs, and more importantly, how to successfully appeal a finding against their organization. This 2-hour session will help you understand the language and expectations of CMS’ “Alphabet Audits.” We will discuss the legal issues specific to CMS auditing, by identifying legal issues specific to Providers, Hospitals and Health Systems, and design a plan in preparation of a CMS audit. The presenter will guide you in preparing an audit plan that maintenances your organization’s compliance program, and defines the mechanisms and protocols for your infrastructure that address the legalities of a CMS Audit. Areas Covered in the Seminar: This discussion will provide valuable insight and application to understanding the auditing landscape. The following will be discussed: - Definitions and differences of RACs, MACs, MICs and ZPICs
- Vulnerability Identification
- Geographical Trend Analysis
- Impact Analysis
- Risk Determination
- Control Recommendations
- Appeal Strategies
Organized by:
ComplianceOnline |
Invited Speakers:
Coy Murchison , is the principle consultant for reMergents Solutions. As an AHIMA Certified Health Information Technologist, specializing in HIT Implementation Management, she is well versed in health IT compliance. As health care compliance revolutionizes into a technological discipline, it is critical to understand the nuances of an electronic health care age, and Coy educates and trains on IT security: HIPAA/HITECH, emerging legislation and non-compliance trends. As a compliance professional with over 10 years of progressive experience, Coy has proficiency, practice and an overall understanding of health care compliance, as well as, title/escrow and non-profit compliance operations. Coy has worked with organizations in the development phase of its compliance program, in addition to, helping strengthen compliance infrastructures, by identifying gaps and deficiencies, and delineating strategies to secure weakened and vulnerable programs. Her knowledge is diverse and she is well versed in compliance matters; yet, her true passion is training and education, which she believes is quintessential in the realization of any compliance program. Coy’s talent is being able to analyze complex compliance topics and making the information easily digestible, ensuring the ease of applicability and implementation to a universal workforce.
Deadline for Abstracts: