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An Introduction to Detergents and Cleaning Products and Their Sustainability

  July 17, 2013  
CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement, 90 Minute Accredited Online Training
August 19, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (ET)

Who Should Attend
This online training will benefit professionals in the following industries:
Detergents and Cleaning Products, Chemical and Ingredient Manufacturers, Biotechnology, Appliance Manufacturers, Industrial and Institutional Cleaning, Fragrances, Business Research Organizations

It would be relevant to:
Chemists, Engineers, Formulators, Sales, Marketing, Managers, SME’s/Entrepreneurs and Business People, Environmental Scientists, Business Researchers

It will be particularly relevant to people new to the industry and commercial and business experts wishing to understand the technology.
In departments such as: 
Research and Development, Manufacturing, QA/QC, Regulatory, Sales and Marketing, Site Cleaning, Domestic Science

This course will be available On Demand: August 20, 2013

The 90-minute accredited training is designed to provide participants with an introduction to cleaners and the cleaning products industry. It will offer an overview of the structure and size of the industry. It will describe the key scientific principles behind detergency and cleaning and the ingredients that are found in cleaners to achieve these effects. Typical cleaning formulations will be described.

The detergent industry is large and cleaning products have a major effect on our environment and come into close contact with our skin. Students will learn how to ensure cleaning products are safe to use and how to improve their sustainability, while ensuring they clean effectively.

Organized by: CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement
Invited Speakers: Peter Smallwood Ph.D.; Director, Chemical Associates

Dr. Peter Smallwood is the Director of Chemical Associates, a UK based independent technical and training consultancy, serving the chemical, polymer and allied industries worldwide. His expertise in surface chemistry and surfactants has proved relevant to the manufacture of polymers and the formulation of cleaning and antibacterial products. Chemical Associates has become increasing involved with the detergents and cleaning ingredients industry. Dr. Smallwood has published a number of reviews of the current and future prospects for the industry, has presented papers at international conferences and is involved in the training of industry personnel.
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: Please click here for registration information.
E-mail: sberg@cfpa.com
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