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Out-of-Specification (OOS) Result Investigation

  June 20, 2013  
CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement, 90 Minute Accredited Online Training
July 18, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (ET)

Who Should Attend
This webinar will provide a great resource to Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Biologics, Drugs, Medical Device, In-vitro Diagnostics Industry personnel within the following functions:

  • Quality Control 
  • Quality Assurance 
  • Microbiologist 
  • Chemist 
  • Analysts 
  • Manufacturing 
  • Validation 
  • Facilities 
  • Materials
  • Engineering 
  • Vendors/Suppliers

All level of management and all cGMP manufacturing personnel with roles associated with performing an OOS investigation.

However, if you are already familiar with how to perform an effective out of specification investigation and applying its requirements, you may recommend this webinar to anyone within your company that may require additional knowledge about this subject.

Some FDA (form 483’s) and other regulatory bodies’ inspectional findings, FDA warning letters, product recalls and plant shut down (voluntary or involuntary) sometime relates to incomplete, ineffective and non-compliant OOS investigations that impacts a manufactured product. Per the regulations, all Failure, Deviation or OOS results investigations regardless of its product impact should be appropriately documented, investigated, analyzed for root cause(s), with a justifiable retest plan and an effective corrective action plan. Understanding how to identify a true OOS from other types of Laboratory investigations (i.e. Invalid Assays, Known Lab Error, Atypical Events or a Lab Calibration out of Tolerance) as well as when to perform a retest based on the findings of the OOS investigation is critical to achieving compliance. It is also critical to know when and how to apply “averaging” versus an “outlier” to an original test and re-test data generated during an OOS result. This will allow a product manufacturer to achieve compliance relating to an OOS investigational process.

This 90-minute accredited training will benefit manufacturers of cGMP products in designing an effective, robust and compliant OOS investigation process.

Organized by: CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement
Invited Speakers: Charity Ogunsanya (Owner/CEO). Pharmabiodevice Consulting LLC

Charity Ogunsanya has more than 23 years of extensive experience within the Biologics, Pharmaceuticals, Radiopharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Medical Device Industries and has been the Microbiology, Sterility Assurance, Contamination Control, Aseptic processing, Quality Control Subject Matter Expert (SME) for multiple fortune 100 companies.

She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology from the University of Benin-Nigeria and is currently in the Advanced Academic Master’s Biotechnology Program at the Johns Hopkins University with concentration in Biotechnology/Biodefense. She is the CEO/Owner of her consulting firm named Pharmabiodevice Consulting LLC. Her consultancy provides support to Biologics, Pharmaceuticals, Radiopharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Medical Device Industries.
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: Please click here for registration information.
E-mail: sberg@cfpa.com
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