Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
April 3 - 16, 2013
This course is for scientists who are not familiar with techniques of protein isolation and characterization. The course is extremely rigorous and includes laboratory work during the days, as well as lectures with discussions and student talks in the evenings. Students are typically graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, staff scientists, and professors with specialized scientific expertise who now need to learn about protein purification and characterization. The course emphasizes laboratory strategies and current best practices in the field. Each student in the course will become familiar with major techniques in protein purification by performing four separate isolations: 1) a regulatory protein (calmodulin) from muscle tissue (chicken gizzards),
2) a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein (transcription factor AP1) from HeLa cell nuclei,
3) a recombinant protein overexpressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli, and
4) a membrane-bound protein (insulin receptor) from rat liver.