ComplianceOnline, Online Event
Why Should You Attend: The process of obtaining patents can be an involved, expensive and specialized process although the USPTO and other governmental agencies have in recent years tried to simplify the process and promote electronic submission. The documentation requirements for research supporting to the granting of a patent is changing. The “first to invent” will no longer be the one to get the patent. It increasingly concerns proper control of records that corroborate the invention and distinguish it from prior public disclosures.
This webinar will help you establish a system that will minimize problems in filing and defending patents. Areas Covered in the Seminar: - Building and maintaining a Research Records solution.
- Evaluation of Electronic Lab Notebook systems and alternatives.
- Building policies and procedures.
- Are Trade Secrets still a viable approach?
- Impact of America Invents Act.
- Filing patents.
Event Details: Date: October 19, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM-11:15 AM PDT Cost: $249 per attendee per computer terminal Registration: SIgn-Up on-line now. Add to your shopping cart.