ComplianceOnline, Online Event
Why Should You Attend: If you are unsure of the answers to more than a few of the following questions, then you really need to attend this seminar. - How many studies need to be done?
- Should they be acute, chronic, non-GLP, GLP?
- Should we go to a university or could that be very bad?
- What makes a “good” laboratory, one worthy of sending our study there?
- What animal models should be used and which should not?
- How many animals will need to be used per study, and how is that figured out?
- What role, if any, should the U.S. FDA have in our study design?
- What are the regulations associated with animal research?
- What work do we need to do to get a protocol approved?
- What goes into a protocol?
- What is an animal use form?
- What is an IACUC, who is on it, and what is our involvement?
- How fast can my study design be approved and when can the study start?
- Who performs the study, and what is our company's involvement?
- Who should be involved with communications between our company and the laboratory and why?
- What do we receive from the laboratory in return for payments to them? What can be expected in the way of charges for their work?
Areas Covered in the Seminar: - Purpose and types of a non-clinical study.
- Choosing a contact research or university laboratory.
- The relationships between your company and the laboratory.
- Key players involved in a study.
- Role of the study director, laboratory management, and quality assurance.
- Activities that are common to most studies.
- Costs.
- Protocols and the institutional animal care and use committee.
- The conduct of the study.
- What can go wrong and what you need to do to avoid these.
Event Details: Date: October 23, 2012 Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM PDT Cost: $249 per attendee per computer terminal Registration: SIgn-Up on-line now. Add to your shopping cart.