Center for Professional Innovation & Education (CfPIE), Dublin, Ireland
Oct. 15 - 17, 2012
This comprehensive cGMP course is designed for all managers and professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical, industries whose role is related to product discovery, development, and/or manufacturing. It will benefit professionals who are new to industry, as well as those seeking refresher training in the regulations. This course is also useful for quality assurance and quality control managers, regulatory affairs professionals, auditors, training and production managers, and management interested in effective GMP compliance tools and techniques.All participants will gain a fundamental knowledge of the basis of cGMP regulations, and the necessity of implementing them in daily operations. Additionally, this course is intended to give participants an introduction to the cGMP regulations and their application to laboratory activities, manufacturing processes, and support functions, as well as demonstrate the need for thorough and comprehensive GMP training and documentation.