Novotel Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Apr 26 2012 8:00AM - Apr 27 2012 5:00PM
High Quality of a registration dossier facilities the registration procedure - Essential for Generics!
This course provides a comprehensive description of the Common Technical Dossier (CTD) structure - completely updated to reflect the latest changes in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs. The course will focus on the specific regional EU requirements for Module 1 including discussion of the relevant legislation.
The requirements for the Quality documentation (Module 2.3 & 3) will be presented in detail, taking into account the most recent ICH-Q guidelines. The course is for new developments, but is also very much aimed at Generics. In addition, this training course addresses Quality by Design aspects and issues. Key Topics - CTD, eCTD
- EU Module 1
- Cover Letter - Application Forms - New Applications - Variations - Product Information - Environmental Risk Assessment - Information relating to Orphan Market Exclusivity - Risk-management System - Paediatric Information - Module 3
- Pharmaceutical Development and Quality Risk Management - Quality of Active Substance including Purity Issues - Impurity Testing - Stability Testing - Setting of Specifications - Pharmaceutical Quality System - Development and Validation of Analytical Methods Event Code: 12557
Organized by:
DIA Europe |
Invited Speakers:
Fritz Erni, DrSc Privat, Switzerland
Christa Wirthumer-Hoche, PhD Deputy Head of AGES PharmMed AGES PharmMed, Austria
Deadline for Abstracts:
Call contact
Contact Information: DIA Europe KUECHENGASSE 16, POSTFACH
4002 BASEL
TEL.: +41 61 225 51 51 FAX: +41 61 225 51 52