European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Join key specialists and physicians from around the globe as they meet to discuss the strategic vision of ultrasound in medicine and biology at the 24th EUROSON Congress being held in Madrid, Spain 22-24 April, 2012. For the first time EUROSON 2012 will also include two national conferences and an update course in vascular surgery within the programme, bringing together the local societies and experts within Spain . EUROSON 2012 is being hosted by the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound and Medicine in Biology (EFSUM) and the Spanish Society of Echography (SEECO). Be part of shaping the future and direction in the field of ultrasound!
Organized by:
Tilesa Kenes Spain |
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Eugenia Antolín Alvarado, Prof. Michel Beaugrand, Prof. Dr. Luis Bianchi Cardona, Hilde Berner Hammer, MD, PhD, Prof. Luigi Bolondi, MD, Dr. Fernando Carballo Álvarez, Prof. Annamaria Iagnocco, Prof. Fernando Jimenez Díaz, Prof. Daniel Lichtenstein,. Dra. Noemí Manceñido Marcos , Dr.Emilio Quaia, MD , Dra. Eva Marín Serrano, Vincenzo Migaleddu MD, Dr. Jordi Palau González , Professor Philippe Peetrons, Dr. Jose M.Ramirez, MD, Ph D., Dr.med. Bernhard J. Stier, Dr. Vlastimil Válek.
Deadline for Abstracts: