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Medical Devices – Field Actions and Their Management - Recalls, Product Recovery, Safety Alert

  January 06, 2012  
Center for Professional Innovation & Education (CfPIE), Dublin, Ireland
May 21 & 22, 2012

 Field actions are a difficult yet necessary aspect of the medical device marketplace. The various stakeholders: regulatory agencies, physicians, users, patients, organizations and personnel are all affected but in different ways, having different requirements to be satisfied. Balancing these different requirements - some documented in regulation, others based on simple human need - creates challenges for those responsible for deciding and implementing field actions.  Managing the impact of globalization and the inter-relationships between regulatory agencies, distribution, language, cost consciousness and culture influence the management of actions and determine field action ‘success’…or otherwise. This course examines compliance with US 21 CFR 803, 806 and 820 regulations, and MDR and the usefulness of the Manufacturer & User Facility Device Experience database (MAUDE). The significance and meaning of the field action classification is explained together with the importance of the field action strategy and plan.  The value of knowing the European MDD/AIMD, Japanese rPAL/PMDA, Canadian and Australian requirements and reporting databases such as the MDA and ADR is explained in detail.  Additionally, what to communicate to whom allowing for time differences and national requirements, is examined.Throughout the course examples, case studies and “lessons learned” (including the significance of 3rd parties, product adulteration/misbranding) will help participants appreciate concepts being covered and provide useful insight.
Organized by: Center for Professional Innovation & Education
Invited Speakers: Contact info@cfpie.com for a list of course instructors
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: http://www.cfpie.com/showitem.aspx?productid=091&source=hummolgen
E-mail: info@cfpie.com
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