Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
July 2 - July 19, 2012
This laboratory/lecture course is intended for researchers at all levels from beginning graduate students through established primary investigators who want to use Drosophila as an experimental system for nervous system investigation. The two and a half-week course is designed to introduce students to a wide variety of topics and techniques, including the latest approaches to study nervous system development, connectivity and activity. Daily research seminars present comprehensive overviews of specific subfields of nervous system function or focus on specific techniques and approaches to study fly neurobiology. Expert guest lecturers discuss their findings and approaches, and bring along their own assays and techniques for students to learn in the laboratory part of the course. The hands-on portion of the course is centered around student-led projects, where gene mutants are discovered and analyzed throughout the course utilizing the different morphological and physiological measurements and behavioral paradigms at hand. This includes electrophysiological and in vivo calcium recordings, anatomical examination and circuit mapping, as well as numerous quantitative behavioral measures. Collectively, the course will provide a comprehensive and practical introduction to modern experimental methods for studying the Drosophila nervous system.
Invited Speakers:
Last year's lecturers included: Ravi Allada, Northwestern University Richard Benton, University of Lausanne Heather Broihier, Sarah Certel, University of Montana Abanti Chattopadhyay, MD Anderson Cancer Center Aaron DiAntonio, Washington University School of Medicine Josh Dubnau, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory David Featherstone, University of Illinois at Chicago Marc Freeman, UMass Med School/HHMI Michael Galko, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Gregory Jefferis, MRC LMB Valerie Kilman, Northwestern University Chi-Hon Lee, NIH/NICHD Edwin Levitan, University of Pittsburgh Mala Murthy, Princeton University Kate O'Connor-Giles, University of Wisconsin-Madison Melissa Rolls, Penn State Adrian Rothenfluh, UT Southwesterm Medical School Vanessa Ruta, HHMI/Columbia University Glenn Turner, CSHL Patrik Verstreken, VIB and KULeuven Leslie Vosshall, The Rockefeller University Benjamin White, National Institute of Mental Health Bing Zhang, University of Oklahoma