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Course in Genetic Counseling in practice- BASIC and ADVANCED

  November 28, 2011  
European Genetics Foundation, EuroMediterranean University Center, Bologna (Italy)
April 14-20, 2012

This course represents an evolution of the `Genetic Counselling in Practice` courses that has run successfully over the past ten years. The new course has been divided into two parts. The first part includes basic scientific information and clinical skills needed for genetic healthcare practice, including prenatal, cancer genetics, ethics and laboratory testing.

The second part will focus on the counselling and communication skills required by those working with patients and their families. All students will be encouraged to practise their counselling skills in a supportive environment and to give and receive feedback. The course will include some exercises and discussion sessions aimed at facilitating professional and personal self-awareness of students, in order to enhance their genetic counselling practice.  The course will include sessions on supporting patients through decision-making, prenatal and presymptomatic testing.


Clinical geneticists, genetic counsellors, genetic nurses and trainees in those professions.  Students who are new to genetic healthcare should not attempt Part 2 without first completing part 1. Very experienced genetics practitioners  may wish to do Part 2 only.


April 14 th  BASIC

Morning Session

13.30-14.00 Course Registration

14.00-14.30 F. Forzano Introduction to the course

14.30-15.30 C. Patch Setting the scene - aims, process and outcomes of genetic counselling

15.30-16.30 M. Soller Inheritance models and risk assessment

16.30-17.00 Coffe Break

17.00-18.00  M.Soller Prenatal diagnosis: scenarios and issues

18.00-18.30  Discussion


April 15 th  BASIC

Morning Session


9.00-10.00 S. Stenhouse Molecular analysis: old and new diagnostic tools

10.00-11.00 J . Baptista Cytogenetics: current status and future prospective

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12,30 F. Forzano Genetics of mental retardation

12,30-13.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session:

Concurrent  Workshops (*Workshop A: case discussion, clinical Workshop B: case discussion, lab)

14.15.30 Workshops A and B

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00- 17.30  Workshops A and B


April 16th BASIC

Morning Session:

9.00-10.00 F. Forzano Basic concepts on dysmorphology

10.00-11.00 D.Turchetti Cancer genetics: scenarios and issues

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-12,30 C Patch Practical ethics- consent, confidentiality and disclos

12,30-13.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session:

Concurrent  Workshops *Workshop C: role play, prenatal *Workshop D: role play, cancer)

14.15.30 Workshops C and D

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00- 17.30  Workshops C and D


April 17th CROSSOVER

Morning Session 

9.00-10.00 C.Janssens The genomic era: hypes, hopes and practice

10.00-11.00 ATibben Counselling for predictive testing

11.00-11.30  Coffee break

11.30-12.30 Optional Workshop: Genetic Counselling in Armenia

12.30-13.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session:

13.30-14.30 H . Skirton Psychological issues in antenatal screening and testing

14.30-16.30 H. Skirton Revision of basicRogerian.counselling skills


April 18th ADVANCED

Morning Session


9.00-11.00 H. Skirton Using Transactional Analysis in genetic counselling practice – theory and practice using scenarios

11.00-11.30  Coffee break

11.30-12.30 A. Tibben Genetic screening and testing in children

12.30-13.30 Lunch


Afternoon Session

13.30-15.00 All faculty Discussion of difficult cases brought by students

15.0015.30  Coffee Break

15.30-16.30 A. Tibben What are my professional qualities and pitfalls?


April 19th ADVANCED

Morning Session

9.00-11.00 H. Skirton H. Skirton Grief and loss issues – theory and  personal awareness

11.00-11.30  Coffee break

11.30-13.00 All faculty: Counselling skills practice using scenarios

13.00 Lunch


Afternoon Session:

14.00 E. Razzaboni The Counsellor end: self-awareness tools, occupational stress and burnout syndrome

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00-17.00 A. Tibben and E. Razzaboni Using supervision effectively.


April 20th ADVANCED

Morning Session


9.00-11.00 E. Razzaboni Discussing difficult issues with clients  Skills practice

11.00-11.30  Coffee break

11.30-12.30 A. Tibben Family Dinamics

12.30-13-30 Evaluation and feedback

13.30 Lunch and departure




Organized by: European Genetics Foundation
Invited Speakers:
DIRECTORS: H. Skirton (Plymouth, UK), F. Forzano (Genoa, Italy)
J. Baptista (Bologna, Italy)

F. Forzano (Genoa, Italy) C. Janssen (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) C. Patch (London, UK)

E. Razzaboni (Modena, Italy)

M. Soller (Lund, Sweden)

H. Skirton (Plymouth, UK)

A. Tibben (Leiden, The Netherlands)

D. Turchetti (Bologna, Italy)

Deadline for Abstracts: x

Students are encouraged to register for the entire week, but it is possible to do either the first or second part of the course only if the student wishes. Students registering for the counselling section only should already have a background in clinical healthcare.

7 Days Course: 750 euro (+ vat 21% if applicable)

4 Days Course BASIC: 500 euro (+vat 21%  if applicable)

4 Days Course ADVANCED: 500 euro (+ vat 21% if applicable)

For registering only to BASIC and ADVANCED course, please write to serena.paterlini@eurogene.org



The European Society of Human Genetics offers:

5 Fellowships for attending the entire week course

3 Fellowships for attending only the BASIC course

3 Fellowships for attending only the ADVANCED course

Applicants for fellowships should submit their request together with CV and a reference letter to esgm.fellowships@eshg.org and to serena.paterlini@eurogene.org

Deadline for sending Cv: March  12th , 2012 at 18.00 (Bruxelles Time)


E-mail: serena.paterlini@eurogene.org
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