Center for Professional Innovation & Education (CfPIE), Dublin, Ireland
Mar. 20 – 22, 2012
This three-day course is designed for those in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, medical device/diagnostic, and biotechnology industries who develop and/or produce lyophilized (freeze-dried) products. Upon completion of this course, attendees will have a clear understanding of both the scientific and practical principles behind the formulation and development of lyophilized products. Additionally, participants will gain a firm understanding of lyophilization equipment including system operation, system components, system maintenance, system troubleshooting, IQ/OQ, and system validation. Additionally, attendees will also gain practical experience in applying what they have learned by working through several case studies in failed products and cycles. This course is presented in a very practical manner, so attendees will be able to quickly apply what they have learned to their lyophilization projects.