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Workshop on Informatics Applications in Therapeutics

  August 31, 2011  
BIBM 2011 - Workshop on Informatics Applications in Therapeutics, Atlanta, GA
November 12-15, 2011

Workshop on Informatics Applications in Therapeutics will be held in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2011 in Nov, 2011 at Atlanta, GA, USA.

Informatics techniques and computational tools have been employed to explore the information embedded in the human genome, proteins, signaling pathways, and immune system. Informatics applications have been widely applied to basic biological research, rational vaccine design, development of new therapeutics, clinical operations, and patient care. The various flavors of informatics in biomedical field include bioinformatics, imaging informatics, clinical informatics, and health informatics. They are essential in helping to translate basic research findings to the bedside applications and improve efficacy of the health care delivery. Biomedical informatics and information technology in general have long-reaching implications to a variety of medical fields. The overall goal is to advance various aspects of health care: public and individual health care, health sciences research, and health education. Examples include informatics-based improvements of hospital processes, development and delivery of more efficient and effective patient treatments, and improved diagnostic methods.

We invite submission of original papers describing previously unpublished research and development describing recent advances in the field of biomedical informatics. All papers will be peer-reviewed. All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Selected papers will be published in several journals including Immunome Research and Journal of Immunological Methods. Students and Postdoc authors of the workshop can apply for Student Travel Award. BIBM 2011 will offer 20 student travel awards.


* Information acquisition and retrieval for health care applications
* Applications in medical problem solving and decision making support
* Medical data management, privacy, security, and confidentiality
* Innovative applications in electronic health records
* Display and visualization of biomedical data
* Biomedical data mining and knowledge discovery
* Database and knowledge base systems for biomedical data and knowledge
* Natural language processing for biomedical literature, clinical notes
* Health IT Standards
* Health information system framework
* Information security in health care applications
* Computational methods for clinical process modeling
* Software applications for complex biological and clinical studies
* User-interface design issues applied to medical devices and systems

Organized by: Guanglan Zhang (Cancer Vaccine Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA), Christian Schönbach (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Lou T. Chitkushev (Boston University, USA)
Invited Speakers:


Vladimir Brusic (Cancer Vaccine Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA)

Others: TBA


Deadline for Abstracts: Full papers: September 20, 2011; poster abstracts: September 30, 2011

Key dates

September 20, 2011: deadline for full paper submission
October 5, 2011: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
October 15, 2010: Camera-ready submission of the paper
September 30, 2011: deadline for poster abstract submission
October 14, 2011: Notification of poster acceptance to authors
October 20, 2010: Camera-ready submission of the poster

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