Hotel Holiday Inn , Leiden, Netherlands
Oct 10 2011 8:00AM - Oct 11 2011 3:30PM
For years there has been ongoing research into new approaches enabling alternative methods to replace animal studies. In the area of reproductive toxicity testing, a number of research programmes have provided important test strategies with regard to in-vitro testing methods. The data might be insufficient to reach a complete replacement of in-vivo studies regarding developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) by in-vitro approaches currently. However, it could be expected that the tests and combined test batteries developed and studied may contribute to alleviating the need for some of the animal studies required for reproductive testing (embryo-foetal toxicity) under ICH S5A guidelines. In order to achieve this goal, discussions between regulators, industry and the academic scientists involved are needed. An important aspect is the long time it takes to implement changes from this work on alternatives into regulatory measures Event Code: 11116