Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge
2-10 October 2011
In recent years, nucleic acid sequencing using next generation methods has emerged as a major transformative tool in the genomics field. This laboratory-based course is directed at scientists who will be generating and interpreting sequence information in their research and wish to gain a better understanding of the techniques involved and their applications. This course is not meant to replace the manufacturers’ training normally supplied with new instruments, nor is it intended to be a training course for those solely interested in next-generation sequencing bioinformatics. The course will consist of a mix of theoretical and practical elements focused on Solexa Sequencing on the Illumina platform. However, the course will familiarise participants with other technologies, allowing them to make informed decisions about which technology to apply to solve specific research questions they may face in the future. Please note: For the data analysis components of the course, applicants will require a working knowledge of the Linux operating system.