PharmaTraining Limited, Window Conference Venue, 13 Windsor Street, Islington, London, N1 8QG, United Kingdom
Overview This advanced application-oriented two-day course in LC-MS pays attention to the important aspects of quantitative bioanalysis by LC-MS, except for statistical aspects in data-processing. Starting from providing knowledge on important processes in analyte ionization by electrospray or APCI, the course provides a profound understanding of the important topics of quantitative bioanalysis using LC-MS. Quality control in instrument performance, method development, and systematic troubleshooting are key issues throughout the course. The theoretical parts are illustrated with a number of case studies. Experience with the LC-MS instrumentation is recommended prior to attending this course The aim is to provide the participants with the general principles, background knowledge, and how to use this knowledge in practice. Course Programme (2 day)
The course will commence with registration and coffee at 8.30, course proper starts at 9.00 and will finish at 17.00 Day 1 09:00 Introduction. Introduction to LC–MS. System overview. Dataacquisition and processing. Role of LC–MS in quantitative bioanalysis. 10:15 Coffee break 10:30 Analyte ionisation for LC–MS: electrospray and atmospheric-pressure chemical ionisation. Instrumentation, chemistry, ionisation mechanism, flow-rates, mobile-phase composition. Introduction to matrix effects. 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Information from LC–MS mass spectra. The analyte mass spectrum is a diagnostic tool. One should learn to appreciate the information that is present in the spectrum, e.g., adductions and adduct-bound dimers, but also topics related to average and monoisotopic mass, mass defects, and isotope peaks. 15:00 Coffee break 15:15 Workflow in quantitative analysis using LC–MS: Sample pretreatment, liquid chromatography, analyte ionisation, mass spectrometry, data processing. 17:00 End of the first day. Day 2 09:00 Method development - 1: General aspects. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM). Selection of transitions. Multiresidue methods. Selection of an appropriate internal standard. General method development. 10:15 Coffee break 10:30 Method development - 2: Matrix effects. Methods to evaluate sample pre-treatment and separation methods with respect to matrix effects. 12:30 Lunch 13:50 Method development - 3: Sample pre-treatment methods and liquid chromatography aspects for bioanalysis. Directives for method development. 15:00 Coffee break 15:15 Selected applications. Validation and troubleshooting: Recognition of problems, detection and solution to problems. 17:00 End of the second day and end of the course.