European School of Genetic Medicine, Bologna
3-6 November, 2010
Wednesday, November 3rd Morning Session: Bioenergetics and metabolism of cancer cells 8:30 : Course Registration 9:00: J. Cuezva: The Bioenergetics signature of Cancer 9:30:R. Rossignol: From bioenergetics to the metabolic regulation of carcinogenesis 10:30: Coffee break 11:00: E. Gottlieb: Mitochondrial tumor suppressors: A genetic and biochemical link between metabolism and cancer 11:45: H. Simonnet: Energy metabolism in proliferation and high nutrient demand 12:30: Poster viewing and lunch break Afternoon session: 14:00 -17:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00) Thurdsday, November 4th Morning session: Impact of mitochondria and mitochondrial genes dysfunction on cancer cells 9:00: E. Gottlieb: Metabolic sensors in cancer: from oxygen to amino acid sensing 9:45: G. Gasparre: mtDNA mutations in the metabolic adaptation of cancer cells: learning from oncocytic tumors 10:30: Coffee break 11:00: A. J. Enriquez: Respiratory chain defects and cancer development 11:45: K. Singh : Epigenetic and Genetic Changes Induced by Mitochondrial Dysfunction and its role Tumorigenesis 12:30: Poster viewing and lunch break 13:00: Lunch break Afternoon session: 14:00 -17:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00) Friday, November 5th Morning session: Mitochondria related molecular pathways in cancer 9:00: M. Giorgio, Mechanism of mitochondrial ROS production, signalling for cell death and proliferation, side effects associated to mutagenesis and transformation 9:45:M.F. Di Renzo: Cells lacking fumarase are protected from apoptosis through a HIF independent, AMPK dependent mechanism 10:30: Coffee break 11:00: C. Giorgi: ER-mitochondria crosstalk in the control of cell fate 11:45: L. Alberghina : Ras and mitochondria in cancer cells 12:30: Poster viewing and lunch break 13:00: Lunch Break Afternoon session: 14:30 -17:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00) 17:00: Social drink for Best Posters Ceremony Saturday, November 6th Morning session: Mitochondria related aspects of cancer research 9.00: M. N. Gadaleta: Damage to mitochondrial DNA in aging and age-related diseases 9.45: M. Corral-Debrinski: Inducing heteroplasmy of mtDNA mutations to generate experimental models of mitochondrial diseases. Cellular adaptations to OXPHOS defects in cancer 10:30: Coffee break 11:00: M. Attimonelli: Bioinformatic approaches to study mtDNA variability in cancer 11:45: K. Singh: Conclusions 12.30:Lunch Break 13:00: Departure