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Microscopy, Modeling and Biophysical Methods

  June 17, 2010  
EMBL-European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

The objective of this course is to introduce effective methods for doing research in the field of systems biology.

This introduction will be done hands-on, as the students, in groups of 5, will tackle an original research project over the full duration of the course. Each group will be lead by a faculty and a teaching assistant, who will provide mentoring and instructions. The mini research projects will be original and will all integrate cell biology techniques, state-of the art imaging, image processing, data quantification, and modeling approaches. We expect the students to make new observations, rather than simply repeat established protocol! In addition, morning lectures and bonding activities will provide a forum for active cross-communication.


This course is aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral fellows interested in quantitative approaches in cell biology. We wish to attract practicing experimentalists as well as researchers from other disciplines (physics, engineering, computer science, etc.) interested in biology. We will teach modern light microscopy, focusing in particular on the acquisition and processing of digital time-lapse movies. The participants will write matlab programs in order to analyze their images. The third foundation of the course is mathematical modeling.

Depending on the skills and aspirations of the participants, they will develop analytical approach or computer simulations of biological problems.

Organized by: Ruth Hazlewood
Invited Speakers:


David Bensimon, Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris, France

William Bialek, Princeton University, USA

Dieter Braun, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany

Henrik Jönsson, Lund University, Sweden

Frank Jülicher, MPI-PKS, Germany

Rob Phillips, California Institute of Technology, USA

Ivo Sbalzarini, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Boris Shraiman, UC Santa Barbara, USA

Matthias Weiss, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany

Deadline for Abstracts: will be announced soon

Registration is now open.

Registration deadline is Monday 12 July 2010.

E-mail: nicola.vegiopoulos@embl.de
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