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Understanding Juice Production: Raw Material, Processes, Packaging and Issues

  May 12, 2010  
CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement, 90 Minute Accredited Online Training
July 7, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (ET)

Who Should Attend
This online training will benefit professionals in the following industries: food, beverage, ingredient and packaging.

Possible job functions include: engineers, food scientists, managers, plant operations, supervisors, quality personnel.

In departments such as: research, manufacturing, quality, product development, and engineering.

Juices from fruits and vegetables, and beverages based on juices are increasingly popular because of their perceived health benefits. This 90- minute accredited training course enables professionals new to the industry, or experienced in foods but new to juices, to understand the raw materials, processes, packages and common issues involved in manufacturing juices. As a result of the course, participants should understand the options available and why operations are conducted as they are.

Module 1: Raw Materials
  • Fruits: Citrus, Grapes, Tree fruit
  • Vegetables: Tomato, Carrot, Other
  • Concentrates: Citrus, Apple, Grape, Vegetable, Tomato 
  • Other ingredients: Sugar, Other sweetener, Acids, 
    Nutrients, Pulp

Module 2: Processes
  • Extraction: Citrus, Presses
  • Preservation: Hot fill, Aseptic, Pasteurization, Canning
  • HACCP: FDA guidance, Principles, CCP for juice

Module 3: Packaging and Common Issues
  • Materials: Plastic, Glass, Paperboard, Metal
  • Issues for juices: Flavor, Color, Sedimentation, Clarity

Question and Answer Session

Organized by: CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement
Invited Speakers: Dr. J. Peter Clark, Process Engineer and Consultant to the Food Industry

Dr. J. Peter Clark has over forty years experience in the food industry in consulting, research, academia and government service. He is the author of Practical Design, Construction and Operation of Food Facilities and of Case Studies in Food Engineering: Learning from Experience. He is a consulting food engineer in Oak Park, IL and Contributing Editor of Food Technology with a monthly column on processing since 2002. Dr. Clark is a Fellow of both IFT and AIChE and a registered professional engineer in Virginia and Illinois. He has consulted on juices for Tropicana, Pepsico, Campbell's Soup, Welch's, Vegetable Juices, Inc., and 18 manufacturers in Egypt.
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: Please click here for registration information.
E-mail: sberg@cfpa.com
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