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Aerosol Technology

  March 16, 2010  
CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement, New Brunswick, NJ
July 12-15, 2010

Who Should Attend
This course will be of interest to those professionals who wish to develop an understanding of the most current developments in aerosol technology, as well as those who are actively involved in aerosol technology. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Chemists 
  • Engineers
  • Scientists
  • Technologists

This course has been designed to cover the major aspects of aerosol technology and to instruct you in the successful formulation of aerosols for use in personal care products (deodorants, hair spray and shaving lathers), 
household products (room deodorants and disinfectants), automotive products (cleaners, lubricants and refrigerants), paints, food products (including pan sprays), industrial/institutional products, insect sprays, and miscellaneous products. Lectures will consist of all aspects of aerosol formulation including: basic techniques, propellant theory and practice, component choices, physicochemical problems, quality control and regulations. Regulations and restrictions of aerosol products by federal, state and local governments will be covered on the fourth day, together with toxicology and safety considerations.

Organized by: CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement
Invited Speakers: Dr. Montfort A. Johnsen; Recipient of the Prestigious Charles E. Allderdice, Jr. Memorial Award, President, Montfort A. Johnsen & Associates, Ltd.

Dr. Montfort A. Johnsen was formerly the V.P. of R&D for CCL Custom Manufacturing, Inc. and now consults for them and numerous other firms. He is now President of Montfort A. Johnsen & Associates, Ltd. During his over 45 years in the aerosol industry, Dr. Johnsen has been involved with formulation development, quality issues and numerous environmental programs. He often appears as an expert witness in various lawsuits within the industry. Holder of degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering, Dr. Johnsen has served as Chairman of the Aerosol Division of the Consumer Specialty Products Assn. (CSPA) and later as Chairman of the entire association. He has written several books, book chapters and over 300 technical articles. He has given aerosol presentations in numerous countries (often for the U.N.) and is the Technical Editor of Spray Technology and Marketing, plus three other journals. He holds numerous awards; some recent ones include “Man of the Year” by the Southern Aerosol Technical Assn. (SATA) and the Federation of Latin-American Aerosol Associations (FLADA) and membership in the prestigious Round Table Group of consultants.

In late 2003, Dr Johnsen was elected to receive the highest achievement award of the CSPA—the Allderdice Trophy—for exemplary commitment and service to the consumer specialty products industry and the association.
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: Please click here for registration information.
E-mail: sberg@cfpa.com
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