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Waste Incineration and the Combustion Process

  January 14, 2010  
CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
13-15 April 2010

Who Should Attend
This intensive course is intended for those professionals involved in any aspect of incinerating or regulating the processing of waste material in an incinerator, boiler, fired heater, gasifier, furnace or kiln. It would be most beneficial but not limited to:

  • Engineers
  • Plant Personnel
  • Environmental Scientists
  • Managers
  • Analysts
  • Technologists

Those seeking pragmatic information on combustion chemistry and pollutant formation mechanisms (such as dioxin, NOX and salts) and the latest proven equipment technologies available to achieve successful incineration of hazardous or non-hazardous waste should also attend.

This course presents a practical approach to the incineration and gasification/pyrolysis of hazardous and non-hazardous waste in various types of combustion systems. You will be guided through the details of equipment selection based on principles of chemistry, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and pollution formation mechanisms.

Applications will be made to the incineration of all species of waste including municipal wastes. Many types of equipment will be discussed including rotary kilns, modular units, fluidized bed, gasifiers embodying various waste heating concepts, multiple hearth, boilers, refractory furnaces and fired heaters. Air pollution control, stack monitoring, safety interlocks and instrumentation will be discussed.

Combustion mechanisms, heat/material balances and the selection of principle organic constituents will be presented in the context of European and U.S. environmental regulations including the IPPC act.

Organized by: CfPA - The Center for Professional Advancement
Invited Speakers: Mark E. Illian; President, Synergy Services Corporation
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: Please click here for registration information.
E-mail: sberg@cfpa.com
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