Who Should Attend
This course has been designed for personnel who require a complete overview of refinery processing and performance benchmarks. The course will provide valuable information for those with limited to moderate petroleum refining experience or those who are involved in supporting operations. Additionally, operating personnel and engineering staff will benefit from this overview of the entire refinery. Job Titles/Functions Appropriate for the Course Include:
• Process, Project, and Plant Engineers
• Environmental Engineers
• Commercial Development and Planning Engineers
• Fuel Buyers and Oil Traders
• Computer/System Analysts and Refinery Modeling
• Operations Economic Evaluators
• Insurers and Insurance Evaluators
• Catalyst Manufacturers and Refinery Chemists
• Product, Equipment, Chemicals, Supplies or Services
Sales Personnel
This course will present an overview of a modern, integrated petroleum refinery, including the feedstock properties, product slate and the processes used to convert crude oil and intermediate streams into desirable products. Basic hydrocarbon chemistry, crude oil properties and fuel product quality will be discussed, including changes to products resulting from worldwide environmental legislation. Material and energy balances of the various processes will be discussed along with their impact on the overall operability and economic performance of the refinery. Each refining process will be presented, covering equipment, operating conditions, feedstock, catalyst, yields, and the relationship between process parameters, unit performance and product output and properties. Additionally, future operations, including anticipated changes in crude oil and product slates will be discussed.