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Mithocondrial metabolism and cancer

  January 14, 2010  
European Genetics Foundation, “EuroMediterranean University Center” of Ronzano (Bologna)
April 20-23, 2010

Tuesday, April 20th

Morning session:

9:00: Sir John Walker: Introduction to the course: Mitochondria and cancer

Morning Session 1: New insights into mitochondria in tumors -Warburg effect and oxygen sensing

9:30: Eyal Gottlieb: Metabolic sensors in cancer: from oxygen to amino acid sensing

10:30: Coffee break

11:00: Hélène Simonnet: Energy metabolism in proliferation and high nutrient demand

11:45: Giuseppe Gasparre: mtDNA mutations in the metabolic adaptation of cancer cells

12:30: Poster viewing and lunch break

Afternoon session:

14:00 -18:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00)

Wednesday, April 21st

Morning session:

Morning Session 2: Hereditary Cancer and the role of HIF

9:00: Eyal Gottlieb: Mitochondrial tumour suppressors: A genetic and biochemical link between metabolism and cancer

9:45: Lauri A. Aaltonen: HIF in benign hereditary tumors

10:30: Coffee break

11:00: Peter Ratcliffe: Role of activated hypoxia signaling in genetic cancer syndromes

11:45: Maria Flavia di Renzo: Cells lacking fumarase are protected from apoptosis through a HIF independent, AMPK dependent mechanism

13:00: Poster viewing and lunch break

Afternoon session:

14:00 -18:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00)

Thursday, April 22nd

Morning session:

Morning Session 3: Molecular Pathways

9:00: Pier Giuseppe Pelicci: p66 and mitochondria

9:45: Carlotta Giorgi: ER-mitochondria crosstalk in the control of cell fate

10:30: Coffee break

11:00: Lilia Alberghina: Ras and mitochondria in cancer cells 

11:45: Keshav Singh : Epigenetic and Genetic Changes Induced by Mitochondrial Dysfunction and its role Tumorigenesis

13:00: Poster viewing and lunch break

Afternoon session:

14:00 -18:00: Concurrent workshops consisting in interactive discussions between one or more Faculty with groups of 20-25 students on the topics of the morning (30 minutes coffee break at 16:00)

18:00: Social drink for Poster awards

Friday, April 23rd

Morning session: 

Morning Session 4: Metabolic consequences of mitochondrial derangement

9:00: Antonio Josè Enriquez: Respiratory chain defects and cancer development

9:45: Marisol Corral Debrinski: Inducing heteroplasmy of mtDNA mutations to generate experimental models of mitochondrial diseases

Cellular adaptations to OXPHOS defects in cancer

10:30: Coffee break

11:00: Maria Nicola Gadaleta: Damage to mitochondrial DNA in aging and age-related diseases

11:45: Keshav Singh : Conclusions

12:30: Lunch and departure

Organized by: European Genetics Foundation
Invited Speakers:

L. Aaltonen (Helsinki, Finland), L. Alberghina (Milan, Italy), M.C. Debrinski (Paris, France), M.F. Di Renzo (Torino, Italy), A.J. Enriquez (Zaragoza, Spain), M.N. Gadaleta (Bari, Italy), G. Gasparre (Bologna, Italy), C. Giorgi (Ferrara, Italy), E. Gottlieb (Glasgow, UK), G. Lenaz (Bologna, Italy), P.G. Pelicci (Mialn, Italy), P. Ratcliffe (Oxford, UK), G. Romeo (Bologna, Italy), H. Simmonet (Lyon, France), K. Singh (Buffalo, USA), J. Walker (London, UK) 

Deadline for Abstracts: N.A.


E-mail: serena.paterlni@eurogene.org
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