Who Should Attend
This online training will benefit professionals in the following industries:- Cosmetics
- Household Products
- Fragrance
- Industrial & Institutional Products
- Pharmaceuticals
In departments such as:- Research & Development
- Marketing
- Management
- Regulatory
- Purchasing
Professionals with the following positions will find this course valuable:- Chemists
- Formulators
- Managers
- Marketers
- Retailers
Recent pressure on the fragrance industry to create greener products illustrates many of the issues and solutions that apply to all chemical products. The fragrance industry has been historically self-regulating, but many outside forces are now at work, including CARB, the EU, DfE, NGOs, consumer groups and large retailers. The Green movement has demanded more information on environmental fate and respiratory issues. The EPA has provided computer models (EPI Suite, pbt profiler) that allow informed assumptions on chemical properties when experimental data does not exist. With no official definition of a Green Fragrance, there are many ways to customize fragrance for enhanced human safety and environmental sensitivity. This 90-minuteaccredited training will address these concerns.
Module 1:
• The history of the environmental movement
• Fragrance testing before the Green movement
Module 2:
• The EU and allergens
• Natural and Organic fragrances
• Respiratory safety
Module 3:
• Fragrance in the environment: use of computer models
• Green Chemistry
• Setting standards: governmental agencies, NGOs and
industry organizations
Question and Answer Session