Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York USA
July 30 - August 5, 2008
This one week discussion course will provide a clinical overview of brain tumors and emphasize molecular mechanisms involved in the growth and development of brain tumors with special emphasis on neural differentiation, signaling mechanisms, DNA replication, chromatin modulation, stem cells, mouse models, genomics, imaging techniques, genetically modified mouse techniques, nanotechnology, mechanism-based therapeutic strategies, and biobanks and ethical concerns. Attendees will be able to interact with senior investigators on a one-to-one basis in an informal environment. All non-faculty students will be provided with a generous stipend depending on stated need. Applications are invited from medical and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and clinicians and scientists. Topics include: Clinical Overview of Brain Tumors Neuro-oncology/Surgery/Radiology/Pathology Nervous System Pre-Disposition Syndromes Genetic Alterations in Sporadic Brain Tumors Chromatin Remodeling DNA Replication Extracellular Matrix and Migration Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells Neuronal, Glial, and Oligodendrocyte Differentiation Genetically Engineered Mouse System Detection Methods including Nanotechnology Mechanism-based Therapeutics
Epidemiology NCI strategies and funding mechanisms
Organized by:
Eric Holland & Sadhan Majumder |
Invited Speakers:
Speakers at the last course included: Oliver Bogler, MD Anderson Cancer Center Melissa Bondy, MD Anderson Cancer Center Melvin DePamphilis, National Institutes of Health Charles Eberhart, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Gregory Fuller, MD Anderson Cancer Center Candece Gladson, University of Alabama at Birmingham Steven Goldman, University of Rochester David Gutmann, Washington University School of Medicine Eric Holland, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Paul Knoepfler, University of California Davis Medical School Victor Levin, MD Anderson Cancer Center Guillermina Lozano, MD Anderson Cancer Center Tak Mak, AMDI OCI University Health Network Gail Mandel, SUNY at Stony Brook Christina Meyers, MD Anderson Cancer Center Judy Mietz, National Cancer Institute Andras Nagy, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital Roel Nusse, Stanford University/HHMI Luis Parada, UT Southwestern Medical Center Mahendra Rao, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Raymond Sawaya, MD Anderson Cancer Center Evan Snyder, Burnham Institute Charles Stiles, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Erwin Van Meir, Winship Cancer Institute, Brain Tumor Program W.K. Alfred Yung, MD Anderson Cancer Center Miqin Zhang, University of Washington
Deadline for Abstracts:
March 15, 2008
How to apply