Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York USA
July 22 - August 11, 2008
Advances in light microscopy, digital image processing, and the development of a variety of powerful fluorescent probes present expanding opportunities for investigating the nervous system, from synaptic spines to networks in the brain. This intensive laboratory and lecture course will provide participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge to utilize emerging imaging technologies. The primary emphasis of the course will be on vital light microscopy. Students will learn the principles of light microscopy, as well as use of different types of electronic cameras, laser scanning systems, functional fluorophores, delivery techniques, and digital image-processing software. In addition to transmitted light microscopy for viewing cellular motility, the course will examine a variety of molecular probes of cell function, including calcium-sensitive dyes, voltage-sensitive dyes, photo-activated ("caged") compounds, and exocytosis tracers. Issues arising in the combination of imaging with electrophysiological methods will be covered. Particular weight will be given to multi-photon laser scanning microscopy and to newly available biological fluorophores, especially Green-Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and its variants. We will use a spectrum of neural and cell biological systems, including living animals, brain slices, and cultured cells. Applicants should have a strong background in the neurosciences or in cell biology.
Organized by:
Mark Hubener, David Kleinfeld, William Tyler, Jack Waters |
Invited Speakers:
Lecturers in the 2007 course included: Hollis Cline, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University Oliver Griesbeck, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Germany Kalanit Grill-Spector, Stanford University Fred Lanni, Carnegie-Mellon University Jeff Lichtman, Harvard University Jerome Mertz, Boston University Venkatesh Murthy, Harvard University Claudia Racca, Newcastle University, UK Botond Roska, FMI, Switzerland Petra Schwille, TU Dresden, Germany Karel Svoboda, HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus Edmund Talley, National Institutes of Health/NINDS Katrin Willig, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University
Deadline for Abstracts:
March 15, 2008
How to apply