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FDA Inspections – What to Expect and How to Prepare

  June 04, 2007  
The Center for Professional Innovation & Education, Costa Mesa, CA

Who Should Attend

This course is directed toward those who are responsible for research, development, manufacture, marketing, quality, and/or regulatory compliance within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The course will benefit individuals whose job functions include operations governed or overseen by FDA regulations including personnel involved in preparing for, participating in and responding to FDA inspections. Managers, including executive management, will benefit by learning what their direct responsibilities and vulnerabilities are as a result of GMP inspections.

Learning Objectives

This program is designed to provide attendees with the tools and knowledge necessary to upgrade their quality system to current GMP levels. In addition to providing the latest FDA expectations for compliance with Drug and Device GMPs, attendees will learn how to prepare, manage and successfully complete an FDA inspection. Upon completion of this two-day course, the participants will gain comprehensive insight into the FDA’s latest expectations when conducting investigations and how to audit effectively for compliance with those expectations in mind.

Course Description

Personnel attending this interactive program will have an opportunity to learn how to prepare for an FDA inspection, what to expect during interaction with FDA officials and how to respond to FDA observations. Additionally this course is a good refresher for all personnel involved in the FDA inspection process and an opportunity to compare your internal audit system against what a leading internal audit expert believes is the best approach to implement. The course is provided in an informal atmosphere and an easily understood format.
The following are examples of some of the issues addressed during the course:

-What your organization can do to prepare for the inspection
-What information can the FDA request during an inspection
-Can a Warning Letter be issued immediately after an FDA inspection
-When can the FDA take action without issuing a Warning Letter
-What does the FDA look for during inspections
-How does the FDA classify a recall
-What are the timeframes for the U.S. DOJ's and FDA's handling of clear criminal fraud cases
-What type of documentation is required and what is the correct format
-What do the FDA's export regulations mean to your firm
-What types of cases does the FDA refer to the DOJ for prosecution
-When can the FDA suspend, deny or withdraw abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs)
-How to respond to FDA actions
-Under what conditions can the FDA debar companies and individuals
-What to do after the FDA has taken action

Organized by: Center for Professional Innovation & Education
Invited Speakers: Please contact The Center for Professional Innovation & Education at info@cfpie.com or call +1-610-688-1708 for Speaker information.
Deadline for Abstracts: n/a
Registration: To Register, please visit www.cfpie.com or call +1-610-688-1708
E-mail: info@cfpie.com
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