The Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cologne, Germany
September 20-22, 2007
This intermediate level workshop provides an interface between the numerical analysis of PK and PD data and physiological concepts. Based on the background and concepts provided by the course lecturers, participants will apply this information to the appropriate modelling package (WinNonlin) in hands-on exercises. Morning sessions consist of lectures dealing with choice of weights, goodness-of-fit, interpretation of computer output, experimental design and discrimination between rival models. Afternoon sessions are devoted to applying the methods discussed in the lectures to actual data, using WinNonlin. Day 1: Introduction to Non-Linear Regression Day 2: Assessment of Goodness-of-fit Day 3: Experimental Design and Comparison of Models Day 4: Pharmacodynamic Modelling
Organized by:
The Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Invited Speakers:
Dr Johan Gabrielsson is a Sr. Principal Scientist in the PK/PD section of Preclinical Development AstraZeneca R&D, Sweden. Dr. Daniel Weiner is a Sr. Vice President with Pharsight Corporation. He is a co-developer of PCNonlin, NONLIN84 and WinNonlin.
Deadline for Abstracts:
No abstracts
Please visit www.lakemedelsakademin.se/cologne2007 for full program and application form.