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Comprehensive Approaches to the in vivo Assessment of Cardiovascular Functino in Mice

  December 14, 2006  
The Jackson Laboratory, The Jackson Laboratory - Bar Harbor, ME
April 9-14, 2007

The workshop focuses on the assessment of cardiovascular function in mouse models. This is a comprehensive program which includes didactic lectures by leaders in the field of cardiovascular physiology, pharmacology and pathology, followed by four days of hands on workshops. Day 2 will focus on non-invasive high-resolution ultrasound using the Visualsonics Vevo 770 system, whereas day 3 and 4 will cover telemetry (DataSciences International) and catheter-dependent (ADInstruments) approaches to monitoring cardiovascular parameters in vivo. The final day will cover methods for analyzing data collected during the course of the workshop and will include study design and statistical analysis. Surgical and anesthesic techniques will also be taught.
Organized by: The Jackson Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Will be annouced on a later date.
Deadline for Abstracts: not required
Registration: Enrollment is limited to 16 and early application is encouraged.

Application for admission is made by submitting the following items. All items must be submitted before an acceptance decision can be made. Applications will be reviewed until the workshop is full.

-Your curriculum vitae

-a letter briefly describing your institutional affiliation, research and why you wish to attend this workshop

-A very brief letter of support from your supervisor or mentor

-Applications by women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged.

Applications may be sent via email, fax, or postal service to the contact person (see link above).

Accepted applicants will be provided with registration information.

E-mail: toni.joerres@jax.org
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