Drug Information Association, Online
Sep 28 2006
DIA Webinar offer the power and punch of in-person events—all from the convenience of your home or office. This 90-minute, introductory webinar will outline the benefits of a finalized Best Practices Document for the Submission of Data in a Voluntary Genomics Data Submission (VGDS)—the perfect appetizer for DIA’s upcoming two-day workshop, “Best Practices and Development of Standards for the Submission of genomic Data to the FDA.” Webinar Highlights: Panel discussion and Q&A with FDA representatives. Spirited discussion of the VGDS experience.FEATURED TOPICS: • Scientific accomplishments showcased in Voluntary Genomic Data Submissions (VGDS) over the past two years. • Consensus from Q&A sessions about the added value of genomic data in regulatory review. • New applications associated with VGDS, including other omic platforms and estimates for the impact of pharmacogenomic information in clinical trials. • Role of VGDS in the Biomarker Qualification Pilot Process. • Best Practices and Development of Standards in the Submission of Genomic Data to the FDA.
Organized by:
Drug Information Association |
Invited Speakers:
FEDERICO GOODSAID, PHD Senior Staff Scientist, Genomics Office of Clinical Pharmacology CDER, FDAFELIX W. FRUEH, PHD Associate Director, Genomics Office of Clinical Pharmacology CDER, FDA
Deadline for Abstracts: