BMJ Publishing Group, London
ProgrammeBMJ Masterclass in Paediatrics Chaired by: 25 Sep Professor Howard Bauchner Editor, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Professor of Paediatrics and Public Health, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Centre 30 Nov Dr Harvey Marcovitch Former Editor in Chief, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Syndication Editor, BMJ Publishing Group Chair, Committee on Publication Ethics 0800 REGISTRATION DESK OPENS 0815-0915 Breakfast followed by symposium sponsored by Janssen-Cilag The speaker will look at a number of emerging themes in the pathophysiology of ADHD and their implication for assessment, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke Professor of Psychopathology, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton 0920-0930 0930-1030 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION 10 best clinical articles Examining the latest publications, this session explores the most recent papers that have had an impact on clinical practice. The speakers also review recent articles that give a glimpse into the future of paediatric medicine. 22 Sep Professor Howard Bauchner Editor, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Professor of Paediatrics and Public Health, Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Centre 30 Nov Dr Harvey Marcovitch Former Editor in Chief, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Syndication Editor, BMJ Publishing Group Chair, Committee on Publication Ethics 1030-1045 COFFEE 1045-1120 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): recent advances and controversies This topic is supported with an unrestricted educational grant from Janssen-Cilag Focusing on our understanding of ADHD, this session looks at the recent advances and controversies that continue to surround this disorder. This session covers three main areas. First, the speaker summarises our understanding of the causes of ADHD. Second, the speaker outlines the current recommendations for improving the identification, assessment, and management of children with ADHD. Finally, the speaker will discuss the application of evidence based treatment guidelines in routine clinical practice. Dr David Coghill Senior Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Dundee 1115-1155 New guidelines in relation to children: reduced consciousness and tuberculosis Providing a synopsis of evidence based guidelines in clinical practice, the speaker discusses the role of the RCPCH in appraising and endorsing well produced guidelines. The speaker then uses some recently published evidence based guidelines to examine the main messages for paediatricians. This includes a review of guidelines on the investigation and management of children presenting with reduced consciousness. The session also looks at new NICE guidelines on the management of tuberculosis in adults and children, focusing on the main messages relating to children. Dr Harry Baumer Consultant Paediatrician, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, Devon 1200-1300 Breakout sessions Allowing delegates the opportunity to interact directly with the expert speakers, the breakout sessions facilitate discussion around hot topics and controversies in paediatrics. ADHD case based learning Best clinical articles: getting your article published. New guidelines: Practical aspects of reviewing guidelines and / or implementation 1300-1400 LUNCH 1400-1500 Archimedes: Case based learning Outlining the principle for putting evidence based medicine into practice, the speaker explains how Archimedes topics are used. The session also works through case examples from Archimedes to illustrate how to put evidence into practice, and to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. Dr Bob Phillips Editor of Archimedes, Archives of Disease in Childhood , Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Evidence-based Child Health, London Associate Fellow, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Oxford 1500-1530 Asthma update Examining the latest evidence, the speaker assesses whether it is possible to tell which infants with wheeze will develop asthma and, indeed, whether it is important to determine this. The session also covers our evolving understanding of different asthma phenotypes, and how to diagnose and manage patients with difficult asthma. Finally, the speaker provides an overview of new methods for assessing airway inflammation, and discusses their relative values to the practising clinician. Dr John Henderson Reader in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, University of Bristol, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. 1530-1545 COFFEE 1545-1615 Infectious disease Examining latest developments to the universal vaccination schedule, the speaker discusses new vaccines available for clinicians to prescribe and looks at what products are around the corner. This session also includes a round up of progress in paediatric immunisation. Professor Adam Finn David Baum Professor of Paediatrics, University of Bristol 1620-1715 Breakout sessions Allowing delegates the opportunity to interact directly with the expert speakers, the breakout sessions facilitate discussion around hot topics and controversies in paediatrics. Asthma Infectious disease Archimedes 1715–1730 Summary and closing remarks by the Chair followed by drinks reception hosted by BMJ Publishing Group All content has been reviewed by the Chair