Drug Information Association, Tokyo Conference Center – Shinagawa,Area Shinagawa 1-9-36 Konan, Minato-ku,Tokyo,Japan
Oct 5 2006
The plenary session of this timely meeting, scheduled in the afternoon of the second day, will have two keynote presentations, followed by discussion on how to be successful in pharmaceutical development, overcoming an extremely demanding environment in terms of knowledge, expertise, cost and time, by collaboration of industry, academia and regulatory bodies. The highly acclaimed “Ask the Regulators” open discussion period follows this plenary. After presentations on clinical safety management, experts from regulatory agencies will answer questions about pharmaceutical development and safety management.With three concurrent tracks of content management, regulatory and safety management, and biostatistics, we will discuss possible collaboration in the most advanced topics. Track A, Invitation to New Era of Data and Documents, covers data management, medical writing and content management. In Track B with the theme of Collaboration to Fulfill Our Joint Mission of Delivering to Patients Medications of Greater Efficacy and Greater Safety with Greater Speed, areas of regulatory affairs, safety management and Pharmacovigilance will be discussed. In Track C, Value-added Contribution of Biostatistics to Drug Development, topics in biostatistics will be discussed. All meeting participants will be able to attend sessions in any of these tracks.
Organized by:
Drug Information Association |
Invited Speakers:
David M. Maola, Esq., Executive Director, Drug Information Association, USA; Cynthia Kirk, PhD, RAC, President Elect, Drug Information Association,and Global Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, PRA International, USA; Takatoshi Sato, Chair, DIA Advisory Council of Japan and HyCLIPS Co., Ltd., Japan
Deadline for Abstracts: