The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME
December 3-7, 2006
This workshop is designed to provide training in the theory and practice of maintaining mouse colonies for production and research. The newly expanded four-day program is designed for colony managers, animal care technicians and students requiring an understanding of issues relating to the management of animal research and production colonies. (technicians, colony managers, students, Ph.D. scientists). Topics include: Basic Principals of Mammalian Genetics Overview of JAX Mice: Nomenclature and Uses Breeding Strategies Genetics Quality Control Importation and Animal Health Resources for Genetically Engineered Mice Facility Design Considerations in Tracking and Storage of Colony Data
Organized by:
The Jackson Laboratory |
Invited Speakers:
Jennifer Corrigan, M.S., The Jackson Laboratory Dorcas Corrow, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory Peggy Danneman, VMD, M.S., ACLAM, The Jackson Laboratory James Fahey, D.V.M., Ph.D., ACVM, The Jackson Laboratory John Fitzpatrick, BSME, P.E., The Jackson Laboratory Joseph Gile, B.A., The Jackson Laboratory Dorrance Haught, Ph.D., Purina Mills, Inc. Cathleen Lutz, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory John Macauley, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory Stephen Rockwood, B.S., The Jackson Laboratory Evelyn Sargent, B.S., The Jackson Laboratory David Shaw, M.S., The Jackson Laboratory Tom Sproule, B.A., The Jackson Laboratory Rob Taft, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Deadline for Abstracts:
not required
Enrollment is limited to 40. All items must be submitted before an acceptance decision can be made. Applications will be reviewed until the workshop is full. Application for admission is made by submitting the following items. -Your curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum)
-A letter briefly describing your institutional affiliation, research or colony management responsibilities and why you wish to attend this workshop -A very brief letter of support from your supervisor or mentor Applications by women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged.
Applications may be mailed or submitted by e-mail to the event coordinator (contact link above).
Accepted applicants will be provided with registration information.