Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
July 25 - August 14, 2006
The Yeast Genetics & Genomics course is a modern, state of the art laboratory course designed to teach the students the full repertoire of genetic approaches needed to dissect complex problems in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Combinations of classical genetic approaches are emphasized, including the isolation and characterization of mutants, tetrad analysis, complementation, and mitotic recombination. Molecular genetic techniques, including various types of yeast transformation, gene replacement with plasmids and PCR, construction and analysis of gene fusions, and generation of mutations in cloned genes, will also be emphasized. Students will use classical and molecular approaches to gain experience in identifying and interpreting various kinds of genetic interactions including suppression and synthetic lethality. Students will be immersed in yeast genomics and will perform and interpret experiments with DNA arrays. Students will gain first-hand experience in modern cytological approaches such as epitope tagging and imaging yeast cells using indirect immunofluorescence, GFP-protein fusions and a variety of fluorescent indicators for various subcellular organelles.
Organized by:
Frank Luca, Jeff Strathern, Malcom Whiteway |
Invited Speakers:
Guest Lecturers to be announced
Deadline for Abstracts:
March 15, 2006 for applications
Apply here