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2nd Annual North American ABC Genetic Workshop

  June 10, 2005  
National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA
September 29-30, 2005

By popular demand we are hosting a second (expanded) ABC gene workshop. The meeting will run two days and will be made up mostly of talks from students and postdocs with an emphasis on the genetics and function of eukaryotic ABC genes, particularly those involved in human genetic disease. Principal investigators are welcome to attend and discussants and session chairs will be chosen from the attendees.

Due to generous funding from the NIH Office of Rare Diseases, the expenses of students and postdocs chosen to give talks will be covered. This will include
hotel (2 to a room) and up to $500 for airfare or other transportation. If funds allow we will also pay for lodging of other students and postdocs presenting posters.

Lunches and a Dinner will also be provided for all participants as well as a Social Activity on the first night.

We are inviting representatives from the CF Foundation, PXE International, and the Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease Foundation. If you know of other foundations that should be invited, let us know.

Organized by: Michael Dean
Invited Speakers: Michael Dean
Michael Gottesman
Irwin Arias
Susan Cole
Susan Bates
Tito Fojo
Suresh Ambudkar
Susan Michaelis
Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2005
Registration: Abstracts are due August 1, and should be no more than
300 words in the body, with other specific details available at:

Please feel free to write with other questions at:

E-mail: abcmeeting@ncifcrf.gov
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