European School of Genetic Medicine, Rabat (MOROCCO)
June 8th - 11th, 2005
Wednesday June 8thSESSION NO 1: Trinucleotide repeat diseases M. Yahyaoui: Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type II M. Jiddane: Radiological aspects of cerebellar ataxia A. Brice: Clinical and genetical classification of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia G. Stevanin: Physiopathology of ADCA A.K. Abd El-Aleem: Fragile – X and Kennedy diseases SESSION NO 2: CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS G. Stevanin/A. Brice: Linkage analysis A. Filali/M. Koenig: Clonage and its applications Thursday June 9th SESSION N° 3: Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia A. Filla: Clinical Aspects of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia M. Koenig: Genetical aspects of Freidriech ataxia A. Benomar: Clinical and genetical aspects of Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency SESSION NO 4: Genetical Data of Movements Disorders A. Brice: Genetical aspects of Parkinson disease N. Gouider Khouja: Clinical aspects of autosomal recessive Parkinson disease W. Messouak: Genetical aspects of Huntington disease SESSION NO 5: CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS G. Stevanin/A. Brice: Linkage analysis A. Filali/M. Koenig: Clonage and its applications Friday June 10th SESSION NO 6: Genetic of Neuropathy Diseases N. Birouk: Classification of Charcot Marie et Thoot diseases and genetic aspects of autosomal recessive demyelinating forms A. Bouhouche: Genetic aspects of autosomal Recessive axonal forms of Charcot Marie et Thoot Diseases E. Leguern: Genetic aspects of autosomal dominant forms of Charcot Marie et Thoot Diseases R. Gouider: Recurrent hereditay neuropathy SESSION NO 7: Genetic of Muscular Dystrophies A. Harouni: Clinical and genetic aspects of dystrophinopathies F. Hentati: Sarcoglycanopathy: clinical and genetical aspects G. Vita: Nuclear factor-KappaB (NF-kB) in dystrophinopathies M. Aguennouz: Gene expression profile study investigation of acquired muscle disorder M. Tazir: Clinical and genetical aspects of congenital muscular dystrophy SESSION NO 8: CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS E. Leguern/ N. Alami/ A. Filla: Genetherapy A. Sefiani/A. Brice: Genetic council Saturday June 11th SESSION NO 9: Metabolic myopathy A. Chabraoui: Classification of metabolic myopathy A. Saidi: Anatomopathological aspects of metabolic myopathy disorders A. Toscano: Glycogen storage diseases: from clinical features to treatment
Invited Speakers:
DIRECTOR: Alì Benomar (Rabat, MOROCCO)FACULTY: A.K. Abd El-Aleem (Cairo, EGYPT), M. Aguennouz (Messina, ITALY), N. Alami (Rabat, MOROCCO), N. Birouk (Rabat, MOROCCO), A. Bouhouche (Rabat, MOROCCO), A. Brice (Paris, FRANCE), A. Chabraoui (Rabat, MOROCCO), A. Filali (Rabat, MOROCCO), A. Filla (Napoli, ITALY), N. Gouider Khouja (Tunis, TUNISIA), R. Gouider (Tunis, TUNISIA), A. Harouni (Cairo, EGYPT), F. Hentati (Tunis, TUNISIA), M. Jiddane (Rabat, MOROCCO), M. Koenig (Strasbourg, FRANCE), E. Leguern (Paris, FRANCE), W. Messouak (Fès, MOROCCO), A. Saidi (Rabat, MOROCCO) A. Sefiani (Rabat, MOROCCO), G. Stevanin (Paris, FRANCE), M. Tazir (Algeri, ALGERIA), A. Toscano (Messina, ITALY), G. Vita (Messina, ITALY), M. Yahyaoui (Rabat, MOROCCO)