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cGMP Training Seminar for Biotechnology Industry in Europe

  April 13, 2005  
SPI USA, Inc., London, UK
June 13/14, 2005

SPI USA's Bio cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) training seminar is a comprehensive 2-day event covering fundamental GMP topics such as:

-Introduction to cGMPs and the FDA
-Quality Concepts; Organization of the Quality Unit
-cGMP Documentation; Validation Issues
-Standard Operating Procedures and Batch Records
-Gowning Procedures
-Raw Materials, Laboratory and Process Control
-Labeling & Identification
-Cleaning; Cross-contamination Prevention
-Inspections and Investigations
-International cGMPs
-New Trends in cGMP Compliance

SPI USA has been offering its Bio GMP course for the past 4 years in the United States and has recently branched off and offered several international GMP courses in Europe (London 2004) and Asia (Hong Kong 2004). Major biotech and pharmaceutical companies such as Chiron Corp., Aventis, Roche, Abbot Labs, Merck and Others have sent key personnel to this seminar as a refresher course and to train newly employed staff. The course it taught by SPI USA's team of experts including Dr. Antonio Moreira and Mr. Ed Sybert. In addition to the acquired knowledge one will gain from this course, all attendees will receive a 2005 multimedia CD-ROM based BioGMP™ Training Software package valued at $1,750 USD.

Organized by: SPI USA, Inc.
Invited Speakers: Dr. Antonio R. Moreira is Executive Vice President of SPI USA, Inc. and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).

He was Chairman of the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department at UMBC from 1990 - 1995 and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs from 1995-1997. Prior to 1990, Dr. Moreira spent nearly ten years in the private sector, with management positions both in the food industry with International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc. and in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology area with Schering-Plough Corporation. He has significant experience with R&D, scale-up and introduction to commercialization of biotechnology products, such as alpha interferon.

Dr. Moreira holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Porto, Portugal, and M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

He has an active research program in bioprocess engineering and is a consultant to various biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. He has received various awards including a NATO Senior Fellowship and the Halliburton Outstanding Young Faculty Award. He served as the President for the Chesapeake Bay Area Chapter of the International Society for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Professionals; he is chair of the Council for Biotechnology Centers for the BIO Industry Organization, and serves on scientific advisory boards for various organizations. He is a graduate of Leadership Maryland, class of 1998.

Deadline for Abstracts: None
Registration: http://www.usaspi.com/seminars/cGMPTrainingSeminar/registration.asp
E-mail: ecossis@usaspi.com
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