University of York, York, UK
17-22 April 2005
An intensive, hands-on, five-day training course in the theory and practice of modern proteomics techniques. The course will cover sample preparation, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, in-gel tryptic digestion, mass spectrometry, and database searching. Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples for analysis.Hands-on laboratory activities will include: * 2D gel electrophoresis * Gel analysis using the latest software, including Nonlinear Dynamics Phoretix 2D * In-gel digestion and MALDI sample preparation * MALDI-MS and MS/MS using an Applied Biosystems 4700 Proteomics Analyzer * ES-LC-MS/MS using an Applied Biosystems QSTAR® * Submission of mass spectral data to Mascot database searching * Interpretation of database search results Classroom sessions will cover the following topics: * Experimental design for proteomics studies * Protein and peptide sample-handling for proteomics * 2D Gel electrophoresis * Mass spectrometry in proteomics * Interpretation of CID tandem mass spectra of peptides * Database searching with MS and MS/MS spectral data * Analysis of post-translational modifications * Troubleshooting proteomics experiments
Organized by:
University of York & Applied Biosystems |
Invited Speakers:
Course Tutors: * Professor Jane Thomas-Oates, Department of Chemistry, University of York * Dr Peter Ashton, Department of Biology, University of York * Dr Rachel Curwen, Department of Biology, University of York * Dr Jerry Thomas, Technology Facility, University of York * Dr Martin Hornshaw, Business Development Scientist - Proteomics, Applied Biosystems * Dr Alison Ashcroft, Mass Spectrometry Facility Manager, University of Leeds
Deadline for Abstracts:
Early registration recommended
Registration instructions available from our website.