ISDA-2004, Budapest, Hungary
August 26-28, 2004
For the last few years there has been a steady international move towards changing the way health care is delivered. The main purpose is to improve the efficiency so that more patients could receive treatment more quickly without reducing the quality of care. The idea of discovering knowledge in large amounts of medical data being collected is both appealing and intuitive, but technically it is significantly challenging and difficult, and especially inappropriate for the conventional medical and statistical approaches.The focus, therefore, changes onto the applications of intelligent systems. They are used for data mining, diagnosing, prognosing, classification, optimization, medical imaging, signal processing, planning and scheduling, and various other tasks which all help to improve the overall social welfare. This technical session considers all aspects of applications of intelligent systems in medicine and health care. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of special interest to this technical session: - Intelligent data analysis - Classification - Data mining and knowledge discovery - Optimization of diagnostic/prognostic processes - Planning and scheduling - Hybrid approaches (novel ways of integrating evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy systems, ...), - Heterogeneous computation - Telemedicine - Biomedical signal and image processing - Mobile systems - Reliability and security