The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine
November 6 - 11, 2004
The course itself will focus primarily on gene expression analysis in a variety of mouse models relevant to the study of heart, lung, blood and associated sleep disorders. Participants will be introduced to wet bench methods necessary for the preparation of expression chips including nucleic acid extraction, isolation and purification protocols, analytical approaches to chip reading and data analysis, software tools, and case-oriented application of microarray technology to heart, lung, blood and associated sleep disorders.
Organized by:
John Quackenbush, Ph.D., and Norman Lee, Ph.D., The Institute for Genome Research, Gary Churchill, Ph.D., Martin Ringwald, Ph.D., and John B. Macauley, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory |
Invited Speakers:
To be announced
Deadline for Abstracts:
The registration fee of $1,500.00 includes lodging, meals and all related lab supplies and course materials.