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Short Course on Medical and Experimental Mammalian Genetics

  November 19, 2003  
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
Judly 18-30, 2004

This two week course includes daily lectures in the mornings and evenings supplemented by afternoon mini-symposia, workshops tutorials, and demonstrations. There is special emphasis on student-faculty interaction. The faculty is diverse in terms of disciplines and the students in terms of stage of career and fields of concentration. This diversity makes for an exciting experience for all. The content of the Short Course focuses on (1) an up-to-date presentation of genetics in experimental animals and humans, (2) the relationship of heredity to disease in experimental animals and humans, and (3) the importance of molecular genetics in the diagnosis and treatment of inherited disorders. The development and uses of modern techniques in bioinformatics, mathematical genetics, genome manipulation, mutagenesis, and phenotyping are taught in lectures and in afternoon workshop sessions. As in the past, the Short Course includes an implicit focus on translational biology and clinical applications. The 2004 course will end with a special scientific symposium on Friday July 30th in celebration of the 75th anniversary of The Jackson Laboratory.

This course is a joint effort of The Jackson Laboratory and Johns Hopkins University.

Organized by: Victor A. McKusick, M.D., Jürgen K. Naggert, Ph.D., Patsy M. Nishina, Ph.D., David L. Valle, M.D
Invited Speakers: Susan Ackerman, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Ellen Akeson, The Jackson Laboratory
David Altshuler, M.D., Ph.D., Whitehead Institute/Massachusetts General Hospital
Stylianos E. Antonarakis, M.D., University of Geneva, Division of Medical Genetics
Lawrence Brody, Ph.D., National Human Genome Research Institute
Carol Bult, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Aravinda Chakravarti, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
Gary Churchill, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Ellen Wright Clayton, M.D., J.D., Vanderbilt University
Garry R. Cutting, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
Harry C. Dietz III, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
Leah Rae Donahue, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Andrew P. Feinberg, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
Clair A. Francomano, M.D., NIH, National Institute on Aging
Peter Goodfellow, Ph.D., SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Thomas Gridley, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Ada Hamosh, M.D., Johns Hopkins Medical Institute of Genetic Medicine
Katherine A. High, M.D., The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Ethylin Wang Jabs, M.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
Laird G. Jackson, M.D., Drexel University College of Medicine
Rudolf Jaenisch, M.D., Whitehead Institute/Professor of Biology, MIT
Simon W. M. John, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Eric Lander, Ph.D., The Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research
David Ledbetter, Ph.D., The University of Chicago, The Center for Medical Genetics
Robert Nussbaum, M.D., The National Human Genome Research Institutue, Genetic Disease Research Branch
Jurg Ott, Ph.D., Rockefeller University
Kenneth Paigen, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
John A. Phillips, III, M.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Jennifer M. Puck, M.D., The National Human Genome Research Institute, Genetics and Molecular Biology Branch
Derry C. Roopenian, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Lucy B. Rowe, The Jackson Laboratory
Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
David V. Serreze, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
David R. Shaw, The Jackson Laboratory
Leonard D. Shultz, Ph.D., The Jackson Laboratory
Davor Solter, M.D., Ph.D., Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology
Douglas C. Wallace, Ph.D., Emory University School of Medicine
Richard P. Woychik, Ph.D., Director, The Jackson Laboratory
John Yates, Ph.D., The Scripps Research Institute

Additional Speakers TBA

Deadline for Abstracts: rolling admissions, early application is advised, course may fill before final application deadline
Registration: Placement is limited to 120 participants. Applicants need to possess a doctoral or terminal degree or be advanced graduate or medical students. Please submit the following materials via email to the contact person listed below. One (1) page letter briefly describing your current work and/or research interest and your motivation to attend the course, Curriculum vitae (please limit to two pages), A letter of recommendation from your major advisor or supervisor (for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and residents), Include complete contact information: institute and/or home address, phone and fax numbers and email address.
E-mail: judih@jax.org
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