Human Genome Organisation, International Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
2004-09-02 to 2004-09-06
LECTURES: Genotype and phenotype, Frequency and nature of mutations, and the methods to detect them, dHPLC, Detection of mutations by sequencing, detection of large heterozygous deletions and duplications., Enzymatic and Chemical Cleavage Methods, RNA-based mutation detection, PTT and functional assays, Comparison of scanning methods for mutation analysis, high throughput genotyping systems. Array-comparative genomic hybridization. SNP-genotyping in the microarray format Mutation databases. Quality control in mutation detection, Scanning the horizon: future developments and applications, HUGO-HGVS Mutation Database Initiative, HUGO Gene Nomenclature, HGVS Mutation Nomenclature LABS & DEMONSTRATIONS: Sequencing and sequence analysis software, ARMS, DGGE, SSCP, DHPLC, array-based genotyping, gene dosage by MLPA, array CGH, mass spectroscopy and more.
Organized by:
Dr GR Taylor |
Invited Speakers:
Professor Richard G H Cotton (Australia), Dr Johan Den Dunnen (Holland), Professor Ann-Christine Syvänen (Sweden), Professor Mario Tosi (France), Professor Sue Malcolm (UK), Professor Sue Povey (UK) Professor Mireille Claustres (France), Dr Mark Chee (USA)
Deadline for Abstracts:
Via website http://leedsdna.info/HUGO/2004/ or contact HUGO International office, HUGO, 144 Harley St, London W1G 7LD, UK
Tel: [44] (20) 7935 8085 Fax: [44] (20) 7935 8341
email: hugo@hugo-international.org