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  Electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry and stereology for cell biology  
  January 12, 2001

Biochemistry / Immunology

  European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany
August 30 - September 8, 2001

Course Programme

The theory and practice of the following techniques will be covered:
1. Epoxy resin sectioning
2. Tokuyasu cryo section method for immunogold labelling and for immunofluorescence at the LM level
3. Freeze-substitution and low temperature embedding in methacrylate resins for structural analysis and / or immunogold labelling at the EM and for LM labelling. It should be noted that the use of thin sections for light microscopical immunolabelling techniques is rarely applied in cell biology today. And yet, as Heinz Schwarz has been telling the students in our courses for years ? the structural resolution available on thin sections is far better than that of optical sections using even the best confocal microscopes. So while the main focus of the course is EM we also teach the power of using state of the art LM on sections as an intermediate step in resolution between the confocal (and living cells) and the EM level
4. Antibody and gold technology
5. Negative staining approaches
6. Cryo EM/ immunolabelling (for advanced students optional)
7. EM evaluation of data
8. Stereology

65 % of time will be allocated for practical work, 35% for lectures.
Organized by: G. Griffiths (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany), H. Schwarz (MPI T�bingen, Germany)
Invited Speakers: Invited speakers and instructors:

Paul Webster (Los Angeles)
Norbert Roos (Oslo)
Heinz Schwarz (T�bingen)
Herb Hagler (Texas)
Heinrich Hohenberg (Hamburg)
John Lucocq (Dundee)
Terry Mayhew (Nottingham)
Jan Willem Slot (Utrecht)
Kiyoteru Tokuyasu (San Diego)
Gareth Griffiths (EMBL Heidelberg)
Anja Habermann (EMBL Heidelberg)
Sybille Schleich (EMBL Heidelberg)
Sigrun Brendel (EMBL Heidelberg)
Deadline for Abstracts: July 15, 2001
Registration: The number of participants will be restricted to 20, the registration fee is Eur 150.00. Please do not send a payment before having been accepted to the course. Board and lodging will be covered by EMBO.

The final selection of participants will take place after the deadline for application has passed. You will then be notified of the outcome of your application.
E-mail: courses@embl-heidelberg.de
  Posted by:   M. Kawaguchi  
Host: mac-photo3.EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
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